EJ Slosson Endowment for Ornamental Horticulture
University of California
EJ Slosson Endowment for Ornamental Horticulture

Guidelines for Reporting

Elvenia J. Slosson Endowment Fund

Guidelines for Reporting

All progress and final reports on projects funded by the Slosson Endowment will be published to the Slosson web site. In order to produce a high quality publication with complete information about your project, we ask that you follow these guidelines:

A. Format – Choose the format that you think best fits your project:

Standard Scientific Format
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion


Optional Reporting Format
Discussion (opinion about success of project, might include information on public response and benefit)


B. Necessary Information

    Title of Project

    Name, title and affiliation of each investigator

    Exact wording for photo/figure captions

    I (need/do not need) ____________ my slides/prints returned.

    This is a (final/progress) __________ report for work performed from ________ to ________.


C. Reminders

    Report should be submitted in electronic file format, either on disk or by email attachment.

    Be sure to include files for tables and graphs.

    Photos may be submitted as slides, prints or digital images.

    Digital images may be in TIFF, JPEG or GIF format.

    Include only those reference sources referred to in the report.

    Proofread for spelling and punctuation errors.


Progress and final report materials should be sent to:

Linda Dodge
Dept. of Plant Sciences Mail Stop 6
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Email: lldodge@ucdavis.edu

Webmaster Email: lldodge@ucdavis.edu